Singular vs. Plural

Singular vs. Plural

English nouns can be classified as count (singular and plural) and non-count.
The singular form is used when considering the noun as a single item (count) or entity (non-count).
brick dog airplane person foot water sugar truth education
The plural form is used when considering more than one of the same item. Non-count nouns do not have a plural form.
bricks dogs airplanes people feet
Things to be aware of: Regular plurals
Most plurals are formed by adding –s or –es to the singular noun:
boys cars pens pills pronounce /z/
cats rocks tips chiefs pronounce /s/
kisses watches boxes dishes pronounce /Iz/
In some cases, there are special spelling rules that need to be considered when forming the plural.
knives hobbies quizzes
Irregular plurals
Some nouns take on a different form in the plural:
women teeth mice children people
Non-count nouns
Non-count nouns do not have a plural form; however, some nouns can be used in both the count and non-count sense:
I have a lot of experience. I have a lot of experiences.

Third-person singular –s
Singular and non-count nouns (in the third person) require the –s form of the verb in the present tense.
The girl loves painting.
My dog likes to eat meat.
Johnny lives next door to Jenny.
Milk contains nutrients.
Tommy has two hobbies.
Jerry is from Colorado.
Singular count nouns require an article (the, a, an) unless
they are “proper” nouns
Mr. Jones went to Arizona.
they are preceded by a possessive
My mother loves my father.
they are preceded by this, that, each, every, either, neither, or one.
Each man contributed one dollar.
(Wrong: Apple is on table.—articles are required)
The/An apple is on the table. (right)
Plural nouns and singular non-count nouns do not require an article in the “generic” sense:
Water is important for plants.
However, they require articles (the, some) in most other cases.
Please put some wine in the glasses.

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